My work
What I do is simple. Simple but effective.
You will be welcomed with a big smile and a warm heart and, we'll have a little chat about you so we can decide on the treatment that will work best for you. You will also receive an automated email as soon as you booked your appointment with a link to my consultation form, needing to be completed prior to your treatment if you are a new client.
This will help me have a better understanding of your needs and to offer you as much "hands-on massage" as possible...
For me, a massage is not "just a massage". It's something that can heal you not only physically, but emotionally, mentally and spiritually. It can be a time for reflection, meditation, realisation and connection with the body. A time to bring care and love to yourself.
On top of massage therapy, I also offer life coaching to help you close the gap between where you are now and where you want to be. I will help you move past your current blocks, be crystal clear on how you can reach your next level of personal and professional success, have unshakable self-belief and feel empowered to take life-changing actions.
For more information, please visit: www.sabrina-hall.com
I believe when we combine body work with mindset work, it truly creates a powerful cocktail for professional and personal success. Having a mentor that can offer you a different perspective on the situation you are in and show you straight away how it's done is priceless. You'll reach your goals way faster than if you were on your own.
Unfortunately, in our current society, a lot of people might think they've not "got the time" to do invest in body work and mindset work. But, this is one more reason to really make that space for yourself.
With regards to body work, when you have found YOUR therapist, it's even better. They know you, you know them. They know your body, the treatment gets better and better, and therefore, more and more effective.
And the same thing happens when you find your life coach.
Looking forward to working with you.
Hi! I'm Sabrina.
I left France in 2000 to live in London for only a few months, but I fell in love with the city and its people, and stayed there for 15 years.
After the birth of my son in 2015, my husband and I were ready for a new adventure. Totnes really appealed to us straight away, and so in 2016 we moved to magical Devon.
For a long time, I was searching for what I wanted to do. I discovered that the answer was just here, right under my nose!
How did I not see it before? I could not see what I loved the most: People!
I really love what I do. I am passionate and excited to meet new people, and love seeing my clients on a regular basis. Most of all, I care about what I do, and what I can bring into people's lives.